Meet The Team...Rob

Rob works remotely from Manilla but is just as much a part of the team as the rest of us. He works in Back-end IT Support & Development and we’d be absolutely lost without him! Rob can be found on Zoom sporting cool t-shirts and tattoos, and when something breaks he can magically fix it in just a few clicks! 

Q&A with Rob…

What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? 

Dive and swim with whale sharks.

Which superpower do you wish you had and how would you use it at work? Teleportation so I can go back and forth to Newcastle in an instant 😀

How would you describe Boost using only three words? 

Easy, fast and clever.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Boost? 

Working at home for 8 years already. (I miss working in an office environment though).

If you could start a side business, what would it be? 

I would like to put up a liquor and wine shop, so I can drink for free 😀

What book, film, or tv programme has influenced your life the most? 

The Pursuit of Happiness (the film is better than the book).

If you had to pick a theme song to play every time you entered the office, what would it be? 

Superman – Goldfinger